Communications » Peachjar Electronic Flyers

Peachjar Electronic Flyers

We use paperless flyer distribution!

In the past, our schools sent home loads of flyers in students’ backpacks. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly and to embrace innovative technology, we are moving from paper to a digital flyer delivery.
With our Peachjar eflyer program, the eflyers will be sent directly to parents’ email inboxes as well as posted on school websites for easy access. All flyers may be accessed by clicking on the Peachjar link on each campus site under "Parents." 

Each year, our schools will save tons of paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. In addition, paperless delivery of school flyers removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers.  

School and school district-approved eflyers will keep you informed about upcoming school activities, programs, and events. And our children's backpacks will have a little less clutter!

Our District cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.

To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved (please see approval criteria below), your flyer will be e-mailed to all parents at selected schools and posted online. Most paper flyers from outside organizations will not be distributed.
  1. Visit
  2. Register as an Enrichment or Community Organization (account type). 
    1. Non-profits should upload their 501-C-3 letter when registering or upload to their existing account in 'My Account Information'.
  3. Upload your flyer for approval.
Please note: Enrichment and community organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) are subject to Peachjar's service fee when a flyer is posted to promote an activity or event with a participation fee. Peachjar's service fee also applies to activities that are held without charge, but may entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services (e.g. a soccer league that offers free clinics).

Distribution of Non-School Materials (Policy FNAA Local or GKDA Local) 



Information regarding the distribution of information by community groups to schools through students can be found in the LISD Board Policy.

The communications department staff reviews and approves all eflyers.  If you have questions regarding the approval or denial of the flyer, please contact 409-923-7578 or by email at [email protected].


PLEASE NOTE: It is the practice of Lumberton ISD to distribute all information to our parents and students in both English and Spanish. We ask that all partners who are making a request to distribute information do the same. Translation of the document is the responsibility of the requesting party.


Lumberton ISD Distribution of Non-School Literature Guidelines

According to Lumberton ISD policy GKDA (Local), only communication sponsored by the district or a district-affiliated/school-support organization shall be permitted for distribution and circulation on district premises. 
All communication material must be pre-approved by and distributed through Lumberton ISD’s Communications and Community Relations Office. This policy pertains to all forms of communication, including but not limited to: flyers; posters; handbills; photographs; pictures; yard signs; electronic marquees; coupons; films; tapes; other written materials; other printed materials; other visual materials; other auditory materials; and all social media platforms.


  • Enter your Email and select your Account Type.
    Peachjar email and account type


  • Choose a Username & Password. Select United States as your Country. As they pop up, select Texas as your State, Lumberton ISD as your District, then select your child's School.
    peachjar username and password


  • Click the box next to Yes, I accept Peachjar's Terms of Use. Click Submit.
    Terms and Conditions
  • The cost to distribute flyers is $25* per campus, per flyer. It is best to combine English and Spanish in one PDF file before uploading for approval. 

    The cost to distribute the same flyer a concurrent month is $15* per campus, per flyer.

    *payment is not handled by Lumberton ISD. You will need to contact Peachjar for questions regarding payment.

  • Organizations that fall under one of the following categories can distribute material through the district, once they receive the required approval (Fees may apply. See Lumberton ISD Flyer Guidelines):
    1. Lumberton ISD organizations affiliates, including:
      1. Parent Teacher Associations & Parent Teacher Student Organizations
      2. Lumberton ISD Education Foundation
      3. Booster Clubs of LISD
      4. Campus parent clubs, such as “Watch D.O.G.S.”
    2. The local governments of: City of Lumberton, TX.
    3. Lumberton Chamber of Commerce
    4. University/College academic partnerships (approved by the Curriculum Dept.)
    5. Entities under contractual agreements with the District
    6. Non-profit, enrichment programs for school-age children (i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and etc.)
    7. Organizations working in coordination with schools for events that raise money for the campuses.
    8. Information from for-profit businesses that want to advertise programs that extend District academic learning.
    The approval process upholds all guidelines dictated in the Lumberton ISD policy GKDA (Local). All organizations must seek approval from the Communications and Community Relations Office for distribution of their material; nevertheless, the requests will only be granted if they meet one of the guidelines listed above.
    Lumberton ISD’s Communications and Community Relations Office maintains the right to deny any distribution request at any time, including requests from organizations that meet the outlined guidelines.
    The following materials will NOT be approved for distribution:
    • Information pertaining to a specified portion of the district population such as religious groups, political groups, special interest groups, etc.
    • Information from non-profit organizations pertaining to fundraisers that do not directly benefit Lumberton ISD 
    • Material that is obscene, vulgar or inappropriate for children
    • Material that promotes activities, goods, or services related to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, firearms or weapons
    • Material that advocates violence, illegal, or dangerous activities
    • Material that contains defamatory statements
    • Hate literature
    • Material that would interfere with school activities or the rights of others