Business Services » Purchasing Department

Purchasing Department

Current Bid/RFP Opportunities

New Vendors shall be registered by completing a New Vendor Registration packet submitted to the Purchasing Department. The New Vendor Registration packet can only be accessed by District employees and will be provided to a prospective vendor when there is an interest in engaging in business between both parties. The New Vendor Registration packet is completed by the vendor and returned to the Campus or Department contact. The District employee will then forward the packet to the Purchasing Department via email and receive a notification when the registration is complete. 

Except contracts for the purchase of produce or vehicle fuel, all contracts for goods and non-professional services valued at $50,000 or more in the aggregate, for each 12-month period, are made by the procurement method that provides the best value to the District, in accordance with Texas Education Code 44.031(a). Lumberton ISD gives preference to the use of cooperative or state contracts where goods and services can be purchased at competitive prices. 



Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176

Lumberton Independent School District is required to file a conflicts disclosure statement with respect to a vendor if:

(1)  the vendor enters into a contract with the local governmental entity or the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor; and

(2)  the vendor:

    (A)  has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer that results in the officer or family member receiving taxable income, other than investment income, that exceeds $2,500 during the 12-month period preceding the date that the officer becomes aware that:

       (i)  a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or

      (ii)  the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor;

   (B)  has given to the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts that have an aggregate value of more than $100 in the 12-month period preceding the date the officer becomes aware that:

      (i)  a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or

     (ii)  the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor; or

(C)  has a family relationship with the local government officer.