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Curriculum Goals

The Lumberton School District's philosophical viewpoint in curriculum development is to build a foundational curriculum that utilizes teamwork and collaboration for providing rigorous instruction through critical thinking, problem solving, and innovative techniques that support students in achieving objectives and state standards for a productive place in society.

The goal of Lumberton Independent School District is to ensure that every student has access to a rigorous instructional program required for college and career readiness. As indicated in the district’s vision statement, "increasing student achievement to be productive citizens" is the primary goal.

The Curriculum department is committed to meeting the district’s instructional goals. LISD believes in collaboration and planning with teachers to build and develop the district curriculum. The Curriculum department prepares a standards-based curriculum that is aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and to STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness). A common standards-based curriculum provides LISD teachers access to the resources necessary to plan, teach, and assess instruction and student learning effectively.

The following documents support the curriculum and serve as a guide for teachers and parents for every student’s academic success.

Image result for pictures of Students learning

  • Year-At-a-Glance (scope and sequence)
  • Vertical Alignment
  • TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)
  • College and Career Readiness Standards                                       
  • English Language Proficiency Standards
  • STAAR Instructional Materials (TEA)
  • District curriculum resources